Uncategorized Articles - GreenGeeks Blog https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/category/uncategorized/ Sat, 24 Feb 2024 13:57:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 WordPress Accessibility Day, September 2023 https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/wordpress-accessibility-day-september-2023/ Wed, 20 Sep 2023 15:04:17 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/?p=41258 This year, GreenGeeks is noted as a sponsor for WordPress Accessibility Day. This event starts on the 27th of September and is a 24-hour global […]

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This year, GreenGeeks is noted as a sponsor for WordPress Accessibility Day. This event starts on the 27th of September and is a 24-hour global event. That means you can attend the live talks regardless of what time zone in which you live.

Registration for this event is free unless you want to donate. Although donations aren’t necessary to enjoy the event, they are helpful in making sure events such as this continue in the future.

Plus, you can add a bit extra to your donation to receive a shirt specific to WordPress Accessibility Day.

Personally, I rather enjoy memorabilia and merch from events such as this. In fact, my daughter still walks around with one of our WordCamp shirts from four years ago.

What is WordPress Accessibility Day?

Started in 2020, WordPress Accessibility Day is essentially a day of recognizing those with disabilities using the Internet. This includes those who suffer from various visual impairments, hearing loss, mobility complications, epilepsy, dyslexia, and a host of other complications.

As roughly 16% of the world’s population has a significant disability, a more accessible way to use the Internet is ideal for everyone. This event helps bring to light the importance of accessibility and why it’s vital for online success.

The event is held online as attendees are able to register for free and watch the live streams during Zoom webinars. And because WordPress Accessibility Day is a 24-hour event, attendees can watch live streams regardless of where they live across the globe.

If you miss a specific talk, don’t worry; recordings are available on the WordPress Accessibility Day’s YouTube channel.

I like the idea that recordings are becoming more apparent today. There have been a lot of talks I would have loved to see but were in a WordCamp on the other side of the world. This lets everyone enjoy the content at their leisure.

What to Expect from WordPress Accessibility Day

Proud Sponsor: WordPress Accessibility Day 2023. September 27th-28th. Free live streaming - 24 hours. Register at 2023.wpaccessibility.day

The event starts on September 27, 2023, and begins at 14:45 UTC with opening remarks from Amber Hinds, Co-lead organizer. Afterward, you can attend more than 20 webinars covering a variety of topics.

Some of the talks that stand out most to me include:

  • Is my WordPress site accessible? How to Perform Accessibility and Usability Tests
    Do you know if your website is accessible? Depending on location, having accessibility options may actually be enforceable by law. In this talk, Maria Gabriela Gandica helps you test for and improve the accessibility of your website.
  • Go Beyond Checklists to Build a Great Course Learning Experience
    For those who are interested in building learning courses with a Learning Management System, Sandi Gauder walks you through going beyond simple checklists to create learning content that is great for everyone to use.
  • Let’s Build an Accessible WordPress Page & Post
    Do you know what it takes to create an accessible post or page in WordPress? In this webinar, Peter Ingersoll demonstrates the best practices for including accessibility in your content.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Building Accessible Mobile Sites and Native Apps for Accessibility
    Did you know that currently, more than 54% of Internet users are on mobile devices? Mobile accessibility is just as important as it is for desktop computers, and Gian Wild will break down the best practices to accommodate those who use those devices.
  • Accessibility Pitfalls of WordPress Menus
    Not everyone puts a lot of thought into the accessibility of menus in WordPress. In this discussion, Deneb Pulsipher goes over why you should include accessibility in menus and what to avoid by showing how certain WordPress themes fail to accommodate.

These are just a handful of the talks you’ll have access to on WordPress Accessibility Day. Others include everything from accessible email methods to creating animation pause buttons.

Regardless of the type of website you build with WordPress, there are topics for virtually everyone…figuratively and literally.

Register for Free!

Don’t forget that registration is free. This one-day event has a lot of great webinars, available, and you don’t want to miss out on the information provided. And if you miss a few because of timing, you can also access them on YouTube, as I mentioned earlier.

I’d like to end by thanking all of the organizers, attendees, volunteers, and sponsors for helping maintain the WordPress Accessibility Day event. You all demonstrate how an amazing community can bring together so many creative and awesome minds.

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Elementor Básico: Contruyendo una Landing Page https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/elementor-basico-contruyendo-una-landing-page/ https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/elementor-basico-contruyendo-una-landing-page/#respond Fri, 02 Oct 2020 23:36:38 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/?p=22885 Elementor es un potente maquetador visual de WordPress para construir sitios web, desde un blog personal hasta una tienda de productos en línea. Logrará crear […]

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Elementor es un potente maquetador visual de WordPress para construir sitios web, desde un blog personal hasta una tienda de productos en línea. Logrará crear una landing page en tan solo unos minutos de su tema favorito y así visibilizar sus proyectos de una forma creativa.

En este webinar Rita Robles le llevará desde la instalación de Elementor Builder hasta la creación de una Landing Page básica.

¿Qué aprenderá acerca de Elementor Builder?

Este video contiene información acerca Elementor Builder, potente maquetador visual de páginas web que le permitirá crear páginas web a su gusto y de una forma muy amigable.

Hoy aprenderá cómo instalar Elementor Builder desde la instalación deWordPress y así comenzar a crear una landing page básica del tema desu preferencia. Aprenderá cómo utilizarlo de forma correcta y cómo obtener provecho de todas las herramientas que ofrece.

La versión de Elementor utilizada en este webinar será la versión gratuita.

En futuros webinars se hará uso de Elementor Pro, ¡así que permanezca atento a ellos!Algunas de las cosas que aprenderá sobre Elementor incluyen:

Instalando complementos

Rita lo guiará através de la instalación de los complementos que se utilizarán para la creación de su página. Primeramente, instalará el tema Hello Elementor, con el cual llevará a cabo la creación de la landing page de ejemplo.

Este tema es 100% compatible con Elementor Builder, cuando se lanza una nueva versión de Elementor, lamayoría de las pruebas se llevan a cabo con el tema Hello Elementor, por lo que es una excelente forma de comenzar a darle forma a su landing page.

Otro de los plugins que Rita instalará es Elementor Header, Footer & Blocks, el cual será utilizado para la creación de una cabecera y pie de página hechas a su gusto, podrá hacer uso de estas secciones en cualquier lugar de su sitio web de una forma muy sencilla.

Por ultimo, instalará WPForms Lite, con el cual Rita le mostrará comocrear paso a paso un formulario de contacto en WordPress con solamente arrastrar y soltar los elementos, y de esta manera usted pueda obtener los mensajes que su audiencia desee enviarle y así estar en comunicación.

Personalizando la identidad del sitio

Rita repasará la configuración general de su sitio web, en esta sección aprenderá a agregar su logo, título y descripción de su sitio web. Es importante que su sitio tenga una identidad que lo represente en internet.

Además, verá como crear un menú con los distintos enlaces que se utilizarán en la landing page de ejemplo, como lo son: Inicio, Variedades, Métodos y Contacto, usted agregará sus enlaces de menu de acuerdo con el contenido que desea mostrar, en este ejemplo Rita creará su landing page con un tema que le apasiona, como lo es el café.

Creando la página de Inicio

Como primer paso para la creación de su landing page, Rita le mostrará como crear la página de Inicio desde cero, la cual, va a contener toda la información del tema que desea dar a conocer y será su página de portada.

Conocerá que existen dos tipos de plantillas con el tema Hello Elementor, Elementor ancho completo y Elementor canvas.

Con Elementor ancho completo, su página heredará la cabecera y pie de página creados y personalizados que usted haya compuesto. Si selecciona Elementor Canvas, lo que obtendrá es una página en blanco, con la cual usted podrá crear su página a su gusto sin heredar la cabecera y pie de páginas, esto es útil cuando no desee que todas sus páginas luzcan de la misma manera.

Para el ejemplo que muestra este webinar, se utilizará la plantilla Elementor ancho completo.

Creando un encabezado con Elementor

Con el plugin Elementor Header, Footer & Blocks que instaló previamente, usted puede crear con Elementor, una cabecera para su landing page. Rita le mostrará como realizar todo el proceso paso a paso, usted puede elegir en qué páginas de su sitio web se visualice la cabecera.

En esta parte del webinar profundizará en las herramientas que ofrece Elementor Builder, las cuales encontrará al lado izquierdo de su páginaweb, en un panel de control en el cual puede seleccionar la herramienta que necesite.

En este panel, también visualizará las herramientas de WordPress.

Rita mostrará la estructura de columnas en la cual está basado Elementor Builder y explicará detallamente como manipular cada sección. Comenzará a agregar los elementos como el logo, menu, título del sitio web, y así dar forma al encabezado.

¡Es momento de comenzar a crear la magia!

Creando un pie de página con Elementor

Es tiempo de crear el pie de página que adornará su landing page y Rita está lista para mostrarle como hacerlo. En esta parte del webinar, aprenderá como agregar una nuestras Green Tags a travésdel enlace GreenGeeks Seal que se encuentra en el dashboard que como cliente puede acceder en cualquier momento.

Es una asombrosa forma de mostrarle al mundo que su sitio es verde y “reductor de carbono”, puede sentirse feliz de estar ayudando a marcar la diferencia alojando sus páginas web en una plataforma que es ecológica.

Creando un formulario de contacto

Toda sitio web necesitará de un formulario de contacto, con el cual las personas que accedan a su sitio pueden establecer comunicación con usted.

Rita le mostrará como hacer un formulario de contacto en pocos minutos mediante el plugin WPForms Lite que permite crear un formulario sencillo y funcional.

Más adelante cuando proceda a crear todo el contenido de su landing page, hará uso del formulario de contacto para incorporarlo a la misma.

Creando contenido

La creación de contenido es la parte esencial para que su landing pagepueda mostrar a su público espectador lo que desea transmitir, mediante texto, imágenes, video y demás elementos disponibles.

Rita le mostrará el proceso de realizar esto con Elementor Builder, aprenderá como colocar todo el contenido en un solo lugar de una forma amigable y entretenida.

Ya cuenta con la cabecera y pie de página, entonces es momento de agregar el contenido que va a ir en el medio de ambas secciones. En esta parte del webinar, Rita le mostrará como agregar cada una de las imágenes descargadas previamente acerca del café.

Como buena práctica, Rita recomienda tener todas las imágenes descargadas con anterioridad y en un tamaño optimizado.

También, profundizará en cómo hacer uso de las distintas funciones que contiene Elementor Builder para manipular las imágenes, como por ejemplo, crear una opacidad a la imagen y dar una forma medianteel divisor de forma.

Echará un vistazo a demás opciones que este maquetador visual de WordPress le ofrece, como la opción de División Interior con la cual aprenderá como duplicar contenido de una forma sencilla y que le ahorrará tiempo.

Creará un carrusel de imágenes dándole un estilo agradable a la vista y añadirá un contador para mostrar las variedadesy métodos para preparar el café.

¡Aquí es donde su imaginación le permitirá ser tan creativo como quiera!

Por ultimo, Rita le mostrará como agregar la información de contacto para su landing page, agregando los campos de teléfono y correo electrónico. Así como también agregando el formulario de contacto creado anteriormente y el mapa de Google Maps.

¡Espero verte de nuevo para aprender más sobre Elementor Page Builder!

Nos gustaría agradecer a todos los que sintonizaron nuestro webinar. Esperamos poder ayudarlo a mejorar su aprendizaje sobre Elementor yWordPress en general.

Permanece atento a nuestras redes sociales para saber cuándo estará disponible el próximo webinar, muy pronto tendremos algunos webinars con Elementor Pro.

¡Muchas Gracias y feliz aprendizaje!

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COVID-19 Will Prevent Research in Antarctica https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/covid-19-prevent-research-antarctica/ https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/covid-19-prevent-research-antarctica/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 18:17:54 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/?p=21962 Antarctica is crucial to understanding the effects that climate change is having on our planet. Most notably is the melting ice sheets that are causing […]

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Antarctica is crucial to understanding the effects that climate change is having on our planet. Most notably is the melting ice sheets that are causing sea levels to rise, putting wildlife at risk for extinction. COVID-19 will end all research in the Antarctic for the next year.

As you can certainly imagine, there are some very good reasons why researchers are not allowed to travel there at the moment. If you contract coronavirus in the Antarctic, you will not be able to receive the necessary medical treatment.

Traveling to Antarctica is not easy. It is not like there is one flight to Antarctica available at every airport. Instead, it typically takes multiple flights to reach the frozen continent. This puts researchers at a high risk considering the current pandemic.

As a result, BAS will be ending research trips for the time being.

Impact on Research


Without a doubt, stopping expeditions and measurements of the Antarctic ice sheets will have an impact on research in the region.

The Antarctic is the perfect place to view the effects of climate change. Since 1994, over 4,000 gigatons of ice has melted. That is enough water to fill the Grand Canyon!

Yet, modern technology has improved dramatically. With simulations and satellite imagery, researchers can still gather quite a bit of information, so not all research will end outright. Instead, a large amount of research can still continue.

But, we are losing access to a place to accurately judge just how far climate change has come.

Expeditions Likely to Resume in 2021

It is very likely that once conditions improve, expeditions will resume.

An exact date can not be given until progress is made containing COVID-19, and a vaccination will play a major role in this. After all, there simply is no way to deal with a patient in Antarctica.

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The Best WordPress CRM Plugins for 2024 https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/best-wordpress-crm-plugins/ https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/best-wordpress-crm-plugins/#respond Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:00:58 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/blog/?p=20750 You can’t grow your business without a CRM. Research points out that $42 billion was spent on SaaS in 2019, with most of it going […]

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You can’t grow your business without a CRM. Research points out that $42 billion was spent on SaaS in 2019, with most of it going to CRM solutions. And if you’re using WordPress, CRM plugins can help streamline the business.

But first, what does a CRM do?

A CRM—Customer Relationship Manager—is a piece of software that stores information about your business contacts all in one place. You can use the information from your CRM to build relationships with your contacts, market to them, and ultimately turn them into happy customers.

If you’re not already using a CRM to store essential business data, you’ll want to install a CRM plugin for your WordPress site today.

A CRM plugin makes it easy to operate your business within the backend of WordPress, so you’re not switching between multiple tools all day long. In this post, we’ll cover the five best WordPress CRM plugins for your WordPress site so you can choose the one that’s best for you.

The Best WordPress CRM Plugins

1. HubSpot

HubSpot CRM WordPress Plugin

HubSpot is a CRM, live chat, and marketing tool all rolled into one.

With the free HubSpot WordPress plugin, HubSpot works seamlessly within the WordPress interface. The plugin gives you the ability to manage contacts, send emails, oversee form completions and access business analytics without losing sleep over having to track everything manually.

The free plugin essentially kills the need for logging into a dozen different services to measure your business growth.


  • Can use HubSpot within the WordPress environment.
  • HubSpot has many powerful integrations. With access to 300 plus integrations, you have a powerful piece of software that extends many times over from a simple CRM.
  • With built-in live chat options, you can engage site visitors in real-time. Live chat is a proven way to improve conversions.


Both HubSpot CRM and HubSpot’s WordPress plugin are free.

2. vCita


vCita is a powerful integrated CRM and leads management solution. Track new sales, integrations, get insights into what’s working and collect payments all from a single point.

There’s a lot you can do with vCita’s plugin. Send messages, set appointments, and upload documents. Even payment services are integrated letting you pay for services from your WordPress dashboard.

With iOS and Android apps, you can view customer messages, manage and reply to them all from the convenience of an app.


  • It’s a handy extension to the vCita platform.
  • Native iOS and Android apps.
  • Offers integrated SMS and email solutions.
  • It’s an advanced solution that integrates a boatload of features.


There’s no free version of vCita. There’s a limited free trial, though. And the paid plan starts at $15 per month.



WP ERP is an enterprise-level CRM most suited for medium to large size businesses that work with WordPress. The suite of tools doesn’t end with a CRM but includes recruitment, accounting, and CRM relationship tools.

You’re able to go beyond the basic functionalities of a CRM and extend to integrating HR functionalities, accounting, and CRM systems into WordPress. The HR module helps the HR team communicate with employees from a single dashboard.

The CRM gives you access to plenty of features and manages them all from a single dashboard.

The CRM essentially enables personalizing customer lifecycles for clients. That means automatically keeping track of insights from customer interactions, logs of communications and tracking the conversion paths of leads.

With the integrated CRM, you can assign different sets of tasks to different team members in the organization.


  • The CRM is a great tool because it helps you manage multiple ends of the business from a single point.
  • An all-in-one solution that focuses on end to end interactions.
  • The list of functions ranges from recruitment to document handling, human resources management, and accounting.
  • Manage interactions with clients from your WordPress dashboard.
  • The plugin is free to use.
  • Hundreds of integrations make the plugin even more powerful. It easily integrates with Mailchimp, Salesforce, Woocommerce to name a few.


WP ERP starts at $149 per user per year. They also offer a completely free option as well.

With the premium plan, you get access to WP ERP’s cloud-based solution.

4. Agile CRM


Agile CRM provides access to sales features, marketing automation, and CRM solutions all of which are integrated into a single tool.

Another exciting feature is popups. Popups are a proven way to generate more leads. Communicate with clients in a much more personalized manner. Convert visiting traffic into leads and contacts.

Other features include sales tracking, deep analytics into lead behavior and email automation.


  • There are a number of features. With Agile, automate your marketing processes by tying sales and customer retention into a single process flow.
  • Track your leads from a single place and assign scores to them.
  • From within your dashboard call up prospects, message them on social media or send an email.
  • See a record of communication history on a single page with data collected from other apps.
  • Free for 10 team members.


With the free plan you can manage up to 5000 contacts. You get access to features like lead scoring, unlimited tasks and documents. Schedule appointments and track emails. It supports 2-way email integration. Custom deal tracking and telephony.

The software is free for up to 10 users. The basic plan starts at $8.99 per month.

5. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM

Zoho’s star feature is compartmentalizing your lead’s sales cycle. You see ongoing deals and closed sales in one place.

Lead scoring is automated. Engage with new leads to grow business. There are tons of useful additions that help. The mobile app, CRM analytics, mass email feature, and document library to name a few.

The document library is an especially useful feature that you will find referencing back and forth several times.

Integrate Zoho CRM to your WordPress site with a one-click addon.


  • AI-based automation tool that packs in automated alerts, reminders, suggestions for automating contact based on the best time to reach out to customers, while also providing ready access to past interactions.
  • Automate a number of things like lead nurturing.
  • Built-in lead performance reporting module, a list of trends and predictions for the future.


There’s a free tier that allows up to 3 members. Zoho CRM paid plans start at $8 per month per user and go up to $12 per month per user.

Find What Works Best for You

There are several great WordPress CRM plugins to choose from. The trick is to find the one that works for your business. At any rate, it’s worth the time exploring your options as it could easily improve efficiency.

Do you have any favorites in our list of the top CRMs? Let us know in the comments below.

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