ImageInject Removed from WordPress for Violations

ImageInject was removed from the WordPress plugin repository due to security violations. As such, we’ve removed the tutorial and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

However, you can still use free images in WordPress through available plugins:

How to Download Free Images from Pixabay into WordPress

How to Add Royalty Free Images to WordPress with Envato Elements

Should You Use Free Stock Images?

Although stock images can help creators get their content noticed, having original graphics and photos is always a superior option. That’s because humans and search engines alike love authentic and unique content.

Not only does the article appear more professional than one that is using the exact same photo, but no one can come back to you and file a lawsuit for copyright infringement.

Even when you use legitimate services such as, there are fraudulent people and organizations that will try to squeeze that extra penny from your wallet.

By using your own commissioned or created graphics and images, you are the sole owner of the work.

When you incorporate the aspect of free images, the situation can get even more sticky. Although groups like Pexels and Pixabay do their best to protect every user and creator, never underestimate the shady practices of others.

Don’t get me wrong, there is still a decent market for stock photos and how they can highlight your content. But there is something to be said about producing your own visuals.

Watch For Nefarious Plugins Like ImageInject

While the developers of WordPress do their best to keep bad plugins out of the repository, sometimes these bad actors can slip in. When you have a platform as large as WordPress, it’s extremely difficult to keep an eye on everything, everywhere, all at once.

Yet, when troubles are detected, Auttomatic is quick to pull the plugin, just as the organization did with ImageInject.

Always have a security plugin running in the background of your site. A great option is something like Wordfence. It’s a very popular, and free, plugin that will constantly keep an eye on your files for unknown or problematic changes.

There are a lot of security plugins to choose from for WordPress, so pick one that suits your needs.

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