Block Editor 101: Getting Started with the WordPress Block Editor 

Webinar Date: May 15, 2024 at 11:00 AM PT
Alfredo Navas, Senior Frontend Engineer, WebDev Studios

If you’re interested in WordPress’s block editor, you’re in for a treat! In this webinar, we’ll explore the latest stuff like new blocks, how patterns work, and the WordPress Font Manager.

But that’s not all! We’ll also talk about why theme.json is important and show you some plugins that let you make your own cool website themes.

Whether you’re a pro at WordPress or just getting started, this webinar will help you make the most out of the block editor. Come join us as we dive into its features and learn some neat tricks to level up your WordPress game!

What You’ll Learn:

  • How all these tools can integrate seamlessly with WordPress
  • How to access and use the block editor
  • Using blocks
  • Using block patterns
  • Using templates and template parts
  • Tips to get the most out of the block editor

You can watch a recording of the webinar below:

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